In the rapidly evolving world of e-commerce, product content is king. From datasheets to rich media content, staying ahead requires efficiency, accuracy, and innovation. Discover how Icecat is leveraging cutting-edge AI technologies to transform content creation, streamline product information management, and empower e-commerce businesses to stand out in competitive markets.
During this session, I will share:
Region Manager Central and Eastern Europe @ Icecat
E-commerce professional and product content expert with 6+ years experience in the field of content syndication and product information management.
Głosowanie trwa do 27 lutego, g. 15:00.
Sztuczna Inteligencja
Nowe trendy w Ecommerce
Logistyka & rynki zagraniczne
IT dla Ecommerce
Optymalizacja konwersji
Data wydarzenia
Adres prawny